S8319: Primary 5 Chinese @ Miltonia Close ($50-$80/hr)

Posted by Siti | June 18, 2024 | Closed

Assignment code: S8319

Student’s gender: Female

Tuition venue: Miltonia Close

Subject: Primary 5 Chinese

No. of lesson per week: 1

No. of hours per lesson: 1.5

Budget: $50-$55/hr (Full time tutors) $70-$80/hr (MOE current/ex teachers)

Preferred day & timing: Friday 330-5pm or Sun 1030am-12pm. Tutor to propose all available timings.

Tutor requirement: Full time tutors and above.

Remarks: Tuition to start ASAP. Need an experienced, patient and committed tutor. Student scored AL6 for the subject and is studying at OLGC.


If interested, please email us the following information along with your education certs to application@elitetutor.sg

Assignment Code: S8319

Contact number:
Highest Qualification:
School Attended:
Relevant Results:
Tutoring Experience (in years):
Brief description of your experience:
Preferred times slot & available timings:
Expected tuition rate per hour:

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