Preparing for the major exam – 4 important tips

Posted by Jerry | August 13, 2020 | Blog

Ask around and a vast majority of students would undeniably agree that ‘Exams are every students’ worst nightmare’. As the exam season draws near, we are all engulfed by feelings of anxiousness. Whether we like it or not, preparation time only gets shorter, and never longer. 

While there’s no way that we can help you to eradicate feelings of anxiousness before your major exam, we are here to advise you on how to feel better prepared to face this in time to come.

White Table Lamp and Vase on Side Nightstand

1. Get sufficient rest

With adequate sleep, your body is more recharged and ready to kick start the day. A night of good sleep also improves your immunity. Falling ill before an exam is definitely a situation you would never want to be in. However, getting rest is not entirely about getting quality sleep. It is equally essential to take breaks when you are doing your revision. Without sufficient rest, mental welfare and physical well-being may be affected in the long-run.

One of the most common practices among students is staying up until the wee hours of the night before exam day hoping to absorb every bit of information left. This hinders one’s focus and concentration as a well-rested body is needed to function at full capacity for your big day.

2. Stick to a study routine

Come up with a study routine and stick to it. This brings about greater self-awareness of your unfinished tasks on a daily basis. This saves you from cramming unfinished work at the last minute before the exam. Through consistent revision, your level of confidence increases, diminishing feelings of unpreparedness overtime. 

3. Seek help on various platforms

Taken aback by the endless questions and doubts right before your exam? Fret not, because you can always seek help from your school tutors, private tutors, or even your classmates! 

Take ownership of your own learning and clarify your doubts early instead of suppressing them until the very end.

4. Consumption of brain foods

Unknown to most students, it is essential to consume brain foods. A common misconception is that consuming brain foods would make you smarter instantly the day before your exam. Though I am sure all of us hope they do.

Instead, they focus on boosting your focus and concentration. With enhanced focus, it maximizes one’s learning performance in school. This aids in the retention of information and knowledge.

Final thoughts

With the constant struggles of needing to meet expectations in society, we tend to devote most of our time to achieve academic excellence. One key takeaway for you would be to remember that at the end of the day, there’s much more to life than just studying and achieving stellar results.


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