Embracing failure – 3 reason why you should

Posted by Jerry | August 24, 2020 | Blog

Yes, the word “failure” is a bane to many. No one is in favor of failing. Failing breeds a myriad of emotions, be it – frustration, depression, sadness, and more.

However, failure makes you grow as a person. Upon experiencing failures, you are bound to engage in alternative ways to achieve success and improve upon past mistakes. You become stronger than before.

Here are the 3 reasons why you should start embracing failure:

1. Promotes personal growth

Unknown to many, sometimes, failing might be better than success. Take, for example, your very first job interview. Yes, everyone wants to succeed on their first try and failing is not an option to many. However, through failure, you learn to understand how you could have done it differently if given the second chance. You understand your pitfalls. You learn to prioritize certain details to maximize your potential in front of the hiring managers. That way, you acquire more knowledge and experience to better prepare yourself for the next. While succeeding on the first try is definitely more rewarding, learn to look on the brighter side! There’s always another time to prove your worth.

2. Cultivates the spirit of resilience

Never stop trying. The number of attempts you require in order to succeed may differ from other individuals. That’s just the way life works. Failure breeds resilience. Don’t let emotions get the better of you. Remember that each time you fail, you come back stronger the next time because you’re slowly accumulating experience. Through experiencing failure, one learns how to take failure in their stride. This is something you wouldn’t know if you succeed on your first try.

Believe it or not, failure is integral for lifelong learning because as we all know, life is not always a smooth-sailing journey. There are always ups and downs. As such, having had a taste of failure, you will be more unfazed by setbacks and obstacles that await you.

3. Allows you to assess your abilities

As harsh as it may seem, failure allows us to see our shortcomings. However, failing at something does not always equate to being “not good enough”. There are a million and one reasons why one can fail.

But one thing that remains constant is that failure gives you an accurate assessment of your ability at that one point in time. Only you yourself would be able to determine the things you fall short of and skills that you have yet to learn. Learning is a lifelong journey. There’s always bound to be something you don’t know that others do and vice versa. Failure allows you to see that and work your way up to maximize your skills and abilities.

Final Thoughts

Every one of us has different experiences and that’s what makes the journey to success more personalized and rewarding. It’s ultimately not about the amount of time you took but more about what you learn from every step taken during the process.

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